Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tsumego 4

In this tsumego, a 3d player punished me for making a mistake, so I had to admit I was guilty of playing without reading at all. Now that you are placed into situation, I'll explain it: on this board you see, he played a16 and I played a17 and, after his next move (you have to guess it), I killed that a16 stone. Your mission is to find the way to punishment assuming black will play correctly on the next moves...
I guess that my next games will be quite long...

White player must punish black: I hope you enjoy this tsumego, which can be easily adopted into real games, and, please, let me know your opinion about the java applet...


Anonymous said...

It would be quite nice to be able to download the sgf.

Alejo said...

Ok, the next time I'll add the sgf link.

Now here it is:

Enjoy it, and let me know if I missed something!!

Tommie said...


being quite open on the right and vulnerable on the left, the corner becomes small, but I think it should survive.

BTW, I think White should have better attached at B17 or played something around F18 as first move.

GN[Tsumego_4 ]
Try to invade or kill black's corner. Assume that black will make a mistake killing the k16 white stone as a response to a double atari!!

http\:// or
here are some other branches.
Question, where is a K16 stone? (you mean A16?)

T. Derz, 'Tommie' on GoDiscussions

N[game move]
C[game move allows calm survival]
N[game move]
C[Black's mistake!!!];W[ab]
C[White lives and black dies. This is the best black moves after the mistake, black could live and kill white if he had some black pieces round g19 to connect with.]
C[White lives and black dies]))
C[White lives and black probably dies]))
C[White lives and black probably dies.])
C[White lives])))
C[White lives and black dies])
C[White lives];W[da];B[ea];W[ca])
C[White lives despite de d17 mistake])))
C[White lives and black dies]))
C[Things get dangerous in this way for white...];B[eb]
C[An white dies, black lives. White can do better])
C[Black lives.]))
C[And black lives...]))
C[Black dies.]))
C[Doesn't work]))
C[Ko, but white can do better]))
C[Try making b17 first, and a18 later on.];B[ad];W[cc];B[cd];W[ba];B[dc]
N[calm survival]
C[calm survival\:

because of White's weakness H,
her invasion 'I' does not work,
and push 'J' is working for B's life too.]
C[W dies];W[ic];B[ha]TR[aa][ia]
C[Black can make 2 eyes at the triangled markings];W[jc];B[jb];W[kc])
C[depending on what White stones are in the marked are,
this is most probably nonsense for White.

Furthermore, it was B's choice some moves before
to play either G18 or J17.]
C[B10 protects both r, s,
however only 's' could be bigger.

Most important\: B lives]
N[common endgame approach]
C[permitting B's link];W[ad];B[bb];W[cd];B[db];W[ab];B[ba];W[eb];B[fb]
C[B lives])
C[these moves would lead to a transposition of the original thread]))
C[perhaps biggest endgame sequence\:

- first starting from this side,
- then later still playing A16]
C[B would fail])
C[B died])
C[B should live (at least in double-ko)])))