Thursday, February 22, 2007

Go's pendrive

Recently I decided to buy a new pendrive to carry job stuff more easily. But, since there was a special price for a 2 Gb Kingston unit, there is plenty of space for other things and, of course, for Go.

My super-mobile study equipment is formed by:
-Gnugo 3.6
-Ggo, on a simple java version on a single file, which performs nicely all the basic desirably features. It doesn't need to be installed and can run directly from the external unit.
-Bruce Wilcox Go dojo.
-Books (not gonna tell you which ones).
-My games.
-A couple of hundreds of games from go teaching ladder.

I'm thinking of adding kombilo... but I don't know on which computers I'll find myself and I don't really know if it can be played directly from the external unit.

The only requirements here are: java, windows system (or wine installed on unix systems) and acrobat reader (just for the books).

Kisei 2007
: 4th game

On 22nd February started the game, there is a nice battle going on the middle of the board. It'll continue tomorrow.
Check it on: Kisei 2007 - 361points

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