Monday, February 05, 2007

Go aggregator

Go aggregator is a site which offers 5 different feed sources, each of them shows a different part of the news in the Go world. This is a list of them:

1. GA Professional Go News: Keep up with professional go news from around the web. With this you can keep track of the major Go events from your preferred feeds reader.

2. GA Go Games and Problems: Follow recent professional game records and reviewed amateur games.

3. GA's Best Go Blogs: Follow the best English language Go blogs on the Internet. Though it doesn't include my blog, it is a list of the topics covered on other Go blogs of a high-level quality.

4. GA Go Chatter: Follow the informal and often lively discussions in go related news groups, wikis, and the like. Keeps track of the modifications on the Sensei's Library as well as the group (which latelly receives lot of spam). It doesn't include the Godiscussions forum.

5. The Works: Here are the 20 most recent items from all sources tracked by GA.

If you are interested on Go blogs, there is another option available with a bigger amount of blogs feeding, it is PlanetGo.
As you can see, the feeds are extracted from 10 different English Go Blogs, 
so I guess this is what you need to stay uptodate with GoBlogs

By the way, I just modified the way that ZGo is called, in such a way that it loads automatically once you enter this site. I hope you enjoy it and let me know your opinion!!


Unknown said...

Neat, thanks. I've set up a new blog aggregator at , please check it out and let me know if I missed any recent ones. :)

Alejo said...

I didn't know it!! There is a page with a list of Go Blogs on Sensei's, here is a list:

You could also add yours somewhere indicating that it is a recopilation of most go blogs so that you can check most blogs without having to check them all manually, or something like that.

I'll add a link to your aggregator on my post.