Tsumego 2
Well, here I'll leave an unsolved tsumego I faced during a game recently. During the game I didn't have much time, so I couldn't kill. Afterwards, I've spent quite a lot of time on it, but so far it has been impossible (I'm around 9 kyu, if it means anything to you). So, here it is: Black to seki. In the beginning I posted this problem as "black to kill", but after realising it might be impossible, I leave it as "black to seki".
The solution is available on the comments.
Anyone wants to try to kill???
The first move is g5. If white try to kill g2 group you can capture j3 group. white will not able to make eyes. Is'nt it?
Hi proximo!
If black makes g5, white responds at g4 and the j3 is connected.
I did something like that during the real game: Be1, Wd2, Bg5, Wg4 (removing eyespace), Bk4, Wj1, Bj2, We2, Bh1, Wk1. The j3 group dies and white lives...
I finally managed to get a seki... but I couldn't find my way to kill the white group...
The white connection is not a problem the secuence will be:
Bg4, Wg4, Bk1, Wj1, Bl1, Wj2, Be2, Wd2, Bh5, Wh1, Bk4, Wg1, Bl3, Wf1, Be1.
White is death
In the first coment I said "if white try to..."
If white don't try to capture g2 we have to change the secuence.
Well... that's mainly the correct answer.. but that's not "black killing" but "seki".
You said Wf1 which is an error by white (he is comitting suicide), so there would be two liberties for each group, and that's a seki... the first group to move there would die...
It's a pity but I haven't got any other tsumegos right now, so I'll leave this one for a few days... or if anyone wants to submit any other tsumego, I'll be happy to post it.
fuuuck!! :D:D you're right!!!
Hey guys!
I am very happy to see you here.
Alejo, congratulations for the blog!!!
I am not able to answer the question, but I thing that my first movement would be Bh5.
Please, don't laught at me, I am just starting on it.
Good luck my friend :p
Hi mireia!
Well, I understand why you said h5 (making false eye) but I've been working on the continuations and I can't see a way to kill, not even seki...
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